— My Research—

I am deeply fascinated by all things teaching and learning. My research spans a number of sub-disciplines in philosophy—philosophy of science, philosophy of cognitive science, and philosophy of education—and I am committed to producing impact-oriented research that can contribute to current dialogues on social issues.

My work explores the intersections between embodied cognition, effective pedagogies, and justice and equity issues surrounding higher education. My current work is centered around questions like: What is active about active learning? Can embodied cognition help explain why active learning seems to be such an effective educational strategy? What do instructors in higher education owe their students in regards to the way they teach?

My research and teaching are synergistic endeavors and I love teaching philosophy at any level. My favorite class thus far was entirely composed of kindergarteners! I have been teaching and mentoring undergraduates for over eight years at a variety of institutions and find it to be the most rewarding part of academia. I am constantly striving to ensure students have experiences that allow them to uncover the multitude of ways that philosophy intersects with their daily lives. When taught and practiced appropriately, philosophy is instructive in so many ways and it is so rewarding to see students grow as engaged, curious, and empathetic individuals. 

Danielle Clevenger- Academic Website
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